Man of Steel: Movie Review

Bombastic, fantastic and heroic Man of Steel brings Superman back to the silver screen, without having the temerity to name him. It’s been a box office hit so far ($600m + wordwide income), despite some critical snarking. The first third of the movie gives us the full origin story with long, lush scenes on Krypton showing a planet falling apart, and …

2013: Top 10 SF and Fantasy Movies

Our experience of movie-going has transformed utterly in the last few years, with CGI, motion capture and (half-decent) 3D offering a series of fully realised worlds. 2012 was an incredible year for speculative adventure movies with The Avengers (a major triumph), Dark Knight Rises (certainly dark), Snow White and the Huntsman (some fabulous effects), The Hobbit (first of three – I …

Total Recall. Trailer and Philip K. Dick

The new movie version of Total Recall is coming soon and is further attempt to turn the fantastic ideas of Philip K. Dick (1928-1982) into celluloid. This one started as short story in April 1966’s ‘Science Fiction and Fantasy’ magazine, “We Can Remember It For You Wholesale”, but was transformed into the mega success of Schwarzenegger’s original and entertaining move, …

Great Movie Posters: The Amazing Spiderman

Well, I didn’t want to see the reboot because I loved the first movies (1 and 3 anyway), but this is just great! Somehow more athletic and more sensitive. I liked the back story too, the search for PP’s parents, which added some depth to the story we all know. As a point of interest the picture here shows the …