Fantastic Sketches: Barry Windsor Smith

The true skill of an artist is revealed by the bare lines of their drawing. It might be a finished pencil piece, a working sketch for painting, or the pencils for a comic book, waiting for the inker to carve their black definitions and the colourist to splash the tones. A decent artist’s talents lie naked amongst the interplay between …

William Blake's Urizen featured in many of his paintings and poetic works

William Blake: Artist and Revolutionary.

William Blake  (28 Nov 1757 – 12 Aug 1827), artist, poet and philosopher, is perhaps easier to admire than understand. The breadth of his vision, the tortured eloquence of his craftsmanship and the bloody-mindedness of his daily life all speak of an intellect wrestling with fantastic worlds that boil and fester within. Artistically he was influenced by Raphael, Michelangelo and …