Schopenhaur's Will, Fibonacci spiral

Concepts | Schopenhaur’s Will

Schopenhauer was a German philosopher who built on Kant’s ground-breaking work on human consciousness. He explored the nature of spirit, motivation and existence within our perception of space and time. His philosophy offers some intriguing perspectives on the beginnings of our universe, with its implications on belief, matter and the ongoing state of the expanding universe. Will as a Force Schopenhaur’s …

The Universe and the Living World | Concepts and Symbols behind the fiction

Concepts | Fibonacci Patterns

0 1 1 2 3 5 8 23 31 54 etc, the Fibonacci sequence (where the total of the two preceding numbers equals the next number) can be found in many aspects of life. Based on Phi it expresses a fundamental relationship between numbers and shapes, and seems to measure the motivating force behind the growth of such systems, from the slow turn …

Concepts | Being not Being

The core concept of ‘Being not Being’ underpins Jake Jackson’s sf and fantasy fiction. Alongside other notions of Time, and Will, it allows the exploration of the universe before the Big Bang event, in quantum fields and out beyond the limits of the expanding universe. An object can both ‘be something’ and ‘not be something’ (else). At a simple level a …