100 Top SF & Fantasy Books, These fantastic Worlds, Philip K Dick

100 SF & Fantasy Books. Galactic Pot-Healer. Philip K. Dick.

Philip K. Dick. Just his name conjures excitement and imagination. There are so many books and short stories to choose from his extensive, brilliant output, but this The Galactic Pot-Healer is the one I remember with great fondness from a particularly creative period in my life when I painted, wrote, played in my first bands, and earned enough money to …

Great Movie Posters: Pulp Fiction

Pulp Fiction. Smart, sassy, anarchic and deliciously retro. Elliptic story-telling with Tarantino, Travolta and Sam Jackson at their absolute best (for some great reviews, see the Rotten Tomatoes site). Such a brilliant poster too, it somehow manages to combine the fantastic pulp magazine feel of the 1930s and 40s pulps, with a slicker modern sensibility. Here’s a review of almost …