Total Recall. Trailer and Philip K. Dick

The new movie version of Total Recall is coming soon and is further attempt to turn the fantastic ideas of Philip K. Dick (1928-1982) into celluloid. This one started as short story in April 1966’s ‘Science Fiction and Fantasy’ magazine, “We Can Remember It For You Wholesale”, but was transformed into the mega success of Schwarzenegger’s original and entertaining move, …

The Avengers: A Back Story

The Avengers movie was fantastic. Bright, smart, powerful CGI but with some terrific acting and a story that held together really well. Now the third top-grossing movie of all time (and no DVD yet) it still has some life in it yet. I didn’t read the original comics when they first came out (too young and in the wrong country) …

Harry Harrison: A Fantastic Author. R.I.P.

Harry Harrison passed away in the last day or so. He lived long (born 1925) but will be much missed. His official website has been overwhelmed with tributes. I came to him quite late, with Skyworld in 1981, the third book after Homeworld and Wheelworld both of which I immediately ran out and bought from Forbidden Planet in, I think, …

TV series Trailer: Doctor Who

New series coming. At last. Doctor Who manages to run the roller-coaster ride of family popularity and sf credibility. The new doctors, from Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant and now Matt Smith have given a middling, cult series a fantastic international appeal. Obviously the Doctors themselves are simply the tip of the iceberg with brilliant teams of writers, producers and fellow actors. …