These Fantastic Worlds, Jake Jackson

November 2015 Update

Have been very busy with work and family in recent weeks, so there’s been some disruption on the Podcast, and the Time blogs, but there’s plenty of new stuff for These Fantastic Worlds on its way.

The big task now is a major switch from, to which has involved a great deal of planning. This will give me more flexibility on the storage space, and better integration with social media accounts. has treated me very well, so I’m glad to move over to the sister version, hosting on Key issues are to remove the random ads, preserve the integrity of the content, carry the Google ranking capital and not lose our many loyal followers (thank you!), so fingers crossed for the switchover.

These Fantastic Worlds, Jake JacksonThe next few weeks will see more short fiction on SF and dark fantasy themes, a major 2016 review on sf and fantasy movies, more articles on the Only Connect themes (on Picasso, and Malevich) more on William Blake and Gothic Art, with some biogs of Robert Louis Stevenson and Robert E. Howard. And, of course, further episodes of the SF and Fantasy Podcast, These Fantastic Worlds.

So, see you on the other side!

Some other fantastic posts…

The images in this post are the first inklings of a new logo for These Fantastic Worlds.