Self-Publishing, Indie Publishing

Journey to Self-Publishing 03

If we needed reminding, life has a way of telling you how difficult it can be to fit in the writing amongst all the other stuff. I’ve had a tough couple of weeks with work, late nights, 90 hour weeks, preparing for a trade show. I have asthma and am used to the daily fight of it, but this week …

Self-Publishing, Indie Publishing

Journey to Self-Publishing 02

Another week of stolen time and sneaky reading on self-publishing and I’m beginning to separate the facts from the fallacies, the strategy from the tactics, the ideals from the possibles. It’s easy to be seduced by the talk of multi-million sales online (Looking at recent stats from the latest Author Earnings report (See links section below), the wave of self-published …

Self-Publishing, Indie Publishing

Journey to Self-Publishing 01

So here we are, back at the beginning. 10 years ago I started writing fiction again after a 20 year hiatus. I write Sc-fi-fantasy adventures, in a specific universe with quantum concepts, ancient creatures and humankind spread across time and space. After writing 7 books (yes!), 15 short stories, 30 flash fiction tales, 30 podcasts, 30 sci-fi Platonic-style dialogues and …

Amazon, writing, authors, indie publishing, self-publishing

Authors vs Amazon vs Publishers

900 authors take a stand in the Amazon vs Hachette fight. But do they represent every author’s interests?