2013: Top 10 SF and Fantasy Movies

Our experience of movie-going has transformed utterly in the last few years, with CGI, motion capture and (half-decent) 3D offering a series of fully realised worlds. 2012 was an incredible year for speculative adventure movies with The Avengers (a major triumph), Dark Knight Rises (certainly dark), Snow White and the Huntsman (some fabulous effects), The Hobbit (first of three – I …

Iron Man 3: Trailer

Coming next April, 2013, here’s a taster . I hope it reaches the heights of the first one, and the Avengers movie. Iron Man 2 had some fantastic technology, but there were too many guns for my taste (trailer and other information the official site here).

TV series Trailer: Doctor Who

New series coming. At last. Doctor Who manages to run the roller-coaster ride of family popularity and sf credibility. The new doctors, from Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant and now Matt Smith have given a middling, cult series a fantastic international appeal. Obviously the Doctors themselves are simply the tip of the iceberg with brilliant teams of writers, producers and fellow actors. …