Top 100 SF and Fantasy Books, These Fantastic Worlds, Jake Jackson

100 Top SF & F Books. Blackmark by Gil Kane.

Blackmark is the creation of masterful artist-storyteller, Gil Kane. It’s a rare beast, and you won’t find it in many top SF and Fantasy lists. However, for me it brings together so many genres (Sword and Sorcery, SF, Wild West), and expresses the mix with great power: in a post apocalyptic world, brought to its knees by the banished forces of science …

The Avengers: A Back Story

The Avengers movie was fantastic. Bright, smart, powerful CGI but with some terrific acting and a story that held together really well. Now the third top-grossing movie of all time (and no DVD yet) it still has some life in it yet. I didn’t read the original comics when they first came out (too young and in the wrong country) …

Great Movie Posters: The Amazing Spiderman

Well, I didn’t want to see the reboot because I loved the first movies (1 and 3 anyway), but this is just great! Somehow more athletic and more sensitive. I liked the back story too, the search for PP’s parents, which added some depth to the story we all know. As a point of interest the picture here shows the …