creepy stories, These Fantastic Worlds, sf and fantasy podcast, jakejackson451, Collector, tragic beauty, The Code, Tear, Infinity Trap, Dimensions, Lapis Lazuli, I Am What I Am, The Strong, Rescue

Micro-fiction 052 – The Blacksmith and the Stars (Origins series)

In the Hebrides, the Storyteller settles in at dusk to tell the ancient tale of the Blacksmith and the Stars. The Blacksmith and the Stars “Let me tell you an ancient tale.” The Storyteller, with the sun sinking behind her strikes up the familiar toll. In front of her is the natural amphitheatre carved from the headlands by the relentless …

creepy stories, These Fantastic Worlds, sf and fantasy podcast, jakejackson451, The Big Man, Daily Mask, Breakout, Lost Voice, Righteous, Cosmic Hall, Crossroads Hotel, Age, Corn Field, Complicit, The Good Doctor, Lifer, democracy, Bain, Polyhedron, First People, Angelo, darkness, manifesto, microphage, Beloved, Shepherd, Cherry Blossom, different, Guardian Angel, Sacred Words, genetic memory, twin tracks

Micro-fiction 051 – Chrysalis (Echoes series)

The curious tale of a mother, a wardrobe and the night-time terrors of Gabe. Chrysalis “Well why don’t you want to go to bed?” My Mother kneeled, her lovely eyes peering at me, in that way, you know, I knew should would love me forever. She was everything to me, and I used to watch her move through our wood …

creepy stories, These Fantastic Worlds, sf and fantasy podcast, jakejackson451, Collector, tragic beauty, The Code, Tear, Infinity Trap, Dimensions, Lapis Lazuli, I Am What I Am, The Strong, Rescue

Micro-fiction 043 – Corn Field (Echoes series)

A field, a death and a return. Josefina is the last surviving member of her family, and now she’s home for the funeral of the father she’s always hated. Corn Field Josefina had come home from the city, to attend the funeral. She’d not been seen near the family home for more than a decade, trying to forget her past. …

creepy stories, These Fantastic Worlds, sf and fantasy podcast, jakejackson451, Collector, tragic beauty, The Code, Tear, Infinity Trap, Dimensions, Lapis Lazuli, I Am What I Am, The Strong, Rescue

Micro-fiction 041 – Crossroads Hotel (Echoes series)

A late night trip through the Pando Forest brings Jas and Cody to a Crossroads Hotel for some respite and a truly warm welcome. Crossroads Hotel It was past midnight and the two of them scrambled through the darkness of the Pando Forest. It was her idea to camp out, but he had agreed enthusiastically. Perhaps now they regretted their …