Top 100 Sf and Fantasy. Conan. Robert E Howard, These Fantastic Worlds

100 Top SF & F Books. Conan the Conqueror. Robert E. Howard

Conan: adventurer, mercenary, reaver, butcher of wizards and demons, in this short paperback we meet him late in life, as King of Aquilonia, his rule threatened by dark forces beyond the understanding of humankind. Howard delivers Conan’s trademark taciturnity, a warrior who doesn’t think or emote too much, but acts decisively and lustily. This was my first introduction to the gritty …

Fuseli, Three Weird Sisters from Macbeth, Gothic Fantasy

Henry Fuseli: Dark Gothic Fantasy

The early gothic found ghastly, thrilling form in the supernatural intimations of Henry Fusili. An artist of fierce intelligence we know him primarily as the creator of the famous Nightmare painting, but his influence can be seen in William Blake, Lovecraft, Frazetta and so many more.

H P Lovecraft, Cthulhu

H. P. Lovecraft: From Weird to Modern Gothic

A master storyteller of ancient and alien menace, plunderer of fear and the unknown, Lovecraft continues to influence the fiction, comics and movies of today.

Only Connect: J. Allen St. John

J. Allen St. John was a fine golden age illustrator of fantastic worlds, early adventure fantasy and science fiction. He is most famous for his Tarzan and John Carter of Mars art for Edgar Rice Burrough’s (ERB’s) famous work in novel and pulp magazine form but his influences include Roy G. Krenkel and the imperious Frank Frazetta and he lived through one of the most poerful periods of change in human cultural history.