What is Time? Lunar vs Solar calendar. Jake Jackson's These Fantastic Worlds

What is Time? Lunar vs Solar Calendar

The conflict between the length of the lunar and solar years has led to a series of attempts at controlling the international calendar. Sometimes with disastrous consequences.

Jake Jackson, These Fantastic Worlds, micro-fiction

Micro-fiction 026 – Watery Grave

The remnants of an ancient civilization lurk beneath the waves and draw the diver down into the darkest layers of the sea, where the weird and the timeless collide. Another tale from These Fantastic Worlds.

What is Time? Time and the Calendar. Jake Jackson's These Fantastic Worlds

What is Time? Time and The Calendar

The history of humankind’s measurements of days, months and years is the story of civilisation and, the conflict between sacred and secular political forces. What is Time? Calendars from These Fantastic Worlds.

creepy stories, These Fantastic Worlds, sf and fantasy, podcast, jakejackson451

Micro-fiction 025 – Southern Gothic (Echoes series)

Ghosts stalk the swamps as the past rises from the deep, with memories of shame and old dreams. Another tale from These Fantastic Worlds, by Jake jackson.