creepy stories, These Fantastic Worlds, sf and fantasy podcast, jakejackson451, The Big Man, Daily Mask, Breakout, Lost Voice, Righteous, Cosmic Hall, Crossroads Hotel, Age, Corn Field, Complicit, The Good Doctor, Lifer, democracy, Bain, Polyhedron, First People, Angelo, darkness, manifesto, microphage, Beloved, Shepherd, Cherry Blossom, different, Guardian Angel, Sacred Words, genetic memory, twin tracks

Micro-fiction 084 – Twin Tracks (Echo series)

The view at the front of the train from Mombasa to Kimbusa offers the twin tracks of life and death… Twin Tracks It is often said that the good and the bad within us fight for supremacy, but over the years I’ve found they coexist quite happily. The murderer who is kind to their family, the thief who loves his …

creepy stories, These Fantastic Worlds, sf and fantasy podcast, jakejackson451, Collector, tragic beauty, The Code, Tear, Infinity Trap, Dimensions, Lapis Lazuli, I Am What I Am, The Strong, Rescue

Micro-fiction 083 – The Strong (Echo series)

The strong, the weak and the robots, who shall inherit the earth? A new tale from the not-so-far future… The Strong “Once upon a time there was a great land divided between the strong and the weak. That division was present throughout society, and in every region of the land. Strength of body, purpose and ambition was the prime motivating …

creepy stories, These Fantastic Worlds, sf and fantasy podcast, jakejackson451, The Big Man, Daily Mask, Breakout, Lost Voice, Righteous, Cosmic Hall, Crossroads Hotel, Age, Corn Field, Complicit, The Good Doctor, Lifer, democracy, Bain, Polyhedron, First People, Angelo, darkness, manifesto, microphage, Beloved, Shepherd, Cherry Blossom, different, Guardian Angel, Sacred Words, genetic memory, twin tracks

Micro-fiction 082 – Genetic Memory (Echo series)

A session between a psychotherapist and her patient takes a strange turn, as she digs deep into the unconscious mind of humankind… Genetic Memory In a loft apartment in Cadiz, its tall, majestic windows facing out to the gentle waves of the Atlantic, Kahina, has just returned from a conference of psychotherapists in New Istanbul. It left her with much …

creepy stories, These Fantastic Worlds, sf and fantasy podcast, jakejackson451, Collector, tragic beauty, The Code, Tear, Infinity Trap, Dimensions, Lapis Lazuli, I Am What I Am, The Strong, Rescue

Micro-fiction 081 – I Am What I Am (Echo series)

A tale about identity and consciousness from a near future when robots and travel are commonplace. I Am What I Am The train rattles above the tracks, hovering aloft ancient steels no longer used except as a guide through the countryside and preserved in memoriam of less complicated times. It is 2080 of the Common Era and the joy is …