Philosophical Dialogues? Hunter and Bain, Jake Jackson, Is law universal?

Dialogues | Is Law Universal?

Hunter and Bain are resting in the cool gloom of a café overlooking the slowly dying Barnard’s Star. They had arrived on a nearby, hospitable moon in time to see a rare, languid flare disappear from sight as the nearest planet began its customary eclipse. Vast shadows launch across the moonscape from where occasional forms shift and skitter in an …

Philosophical Dialogues, Are we Free to be free?, Hunter and Bain, Jake Jackson, Freedom?

Dialogues | Are We Free to be Free?

Hunter and Bain are back on the Earth for the first time in many journeys. They sit in quaint, straight, basket-weave chairs, their attempt at silence and recovery threatened by the squalls of noise from children and exasperated carers scattered around the cafe. Hunter glowers at his coffee, while Bain sighs in gusts of exhaustion. The time does not matter, …

Philosophical Dialogues, Is a Just Society Possible?, Hunter and Bain, Jake Jackson, Are we limited by language? Plato vs Aristotle, Uncertainty Principle

Dialogues | What is the Point of Art?

In the shadows of a Baobab grove Hunter and Bain sit deep in the back of the café, hiding from the hard sun. They peer out from the relative darkness to the wide, barren plains where, just a few yards in front of the café a curious tableau plays out in silence with a silhouette of three figures. A child …

Philosophical Dialogues, Is a Just Society Possible?, Hunter and Bain, Jake Jackson, Are we limited by language?

Dialogues | Are we Limited by Language?

Hunter and Bain ache. Together they sit inside a cafe at the edge of the galaxy, watching the slow collapse of a once glorious star projected into a window that stretches high into the ceiling. They are amongst the many who have come to observe this graceful end, and all around them the chatter and excitement is oblivious to the …