creepy stories, These Fantastic Worlds, sf and fantasy podcast, jakejackson451, Collector, tragic beauty, The Code, Tear, Infinity Trap, Dimensions, Lapis Lazuli, I Am What I Am, The Strong, Rescue

Micro-fiction 047 – Peak Democracy (Post-Apocalypse series)

In this election, the winner takes it all. The prisoner, brother of the New President, receives an unexpected visit. Peak Democracy In the simple cell, the prisoner, lying on the unfamiliar, narrow bed listened to the TV news watched by the guard outside. The voice of the new President, was relayed from a recent campaign broadcast from the victory rally, …

creepy stories, These Fantastic Worlds, sf and fantasy podcast, jakejackson451, Collector, tragic beauty, The Code, Tear, Infinity Trap, Dimensions, Lapis Lazuli, I Am What I Am, The Strong, Rescue

Micro-fiction 046 – Lifer (Post-Apocalypse series)

A new bio-tech program offered total surveillance, and eternal life to the world. But there were consequences. Lifer Sometime in the not too distant future. For its own protection humankind adopted a bio-process that enabled total surveillance of individuals and all their actions. The process was known as LiL (for Life Long) and those who took part in the first …

creepy stories, These Fantastic Worlds, sf and fantasy podcast, jakejackson451, Collector, tragic beauty, The Code, Tear, Infinity Trap, Dimensions, Lapis Lazuli, I Am What I Am, The Strong, Rescue

Micro-fiction 045 – The Good Doctor (Echoes series)

A visit to the the psychotherapist brings back memories and dreams to Alex Hunter, whose past rears up into the present. The Good Doctor It was late evening in winter, with the darkness already settled into the city streets, and it rained. Stripes like vertical spears rattled at the brickwork of the tall apartments and broke against the guardrails along …

creepy stories, These Fantastic Worlds, sf and fantasy podcast, jakejackson451, Collector, tragic beauty, The Code, Tear, Infinity Trap, Dimensions, Lapis Lazuli, I Am What I Am, The Strong, Rescue

Micro-fiction 044 – Complicit (Post-Apocalypse series)

Maria is snatched, from her home, by the State Militia, and her father seems to be responsible.  Complicit The knock came in the middle of the night. The door smashed in, and Maria was grabbed by the armed militia. That really happened, here? Now? It was chaos. An armed swat team shouting, the teenage kids screamed and her father speechless …