creepy stories, These Fantastic Worlds, sf and fantasy podcast, jakejackson451, The Big Man, Daily Mask, Breakout, Lost Voice, Righteous, Cosmic Hall, Crossroads Hotel, Age, Corn Field, Complicit, The Good Doctor, Lifer, democracy, Bain, Polyhedron, First People, Angelo, darkness, manifesto, microphage, Beloved, Shepherd, Cherry Blossom, different, Guardian Angel, Sacred Words, genetic memory, twin tracks

Micro-fiction 029 – Far Flung

The lights have gone dark in a downtown block in New Manhatten. Special Unit Bain is sent to sort it out before the Bots arrive and go public. Another podcast and sf tale from Jake Jackson’s These Fantastic Worlds

creepy stories, These Fantastic Worlds, sf and fantasy podcast, jakejackson451, The Big Man, Daily Mask, Breakout, Lost Voice, Righteous, Cosmic Hall, Crossroads Hotel, Age, Corn Field, Complicit, The Good Doctor, Lifer, democracy, Bain, Polyhedron, First People, Angelo, darkness, manifesto, microphage, Beloved, Shepherd, Cherry Blossom, different, Guardian Angel, Sacred Words, genetic memory, twin tracks

Micro-fiction 028 – Disintegration

Gravity’s gone into reverse. Skyscrapers, houses, streets sucked into the skies. Everyone is racing out of town. Except Kyla. And she’s feeling sleepy. Another Podcast and short tale from These fantastic worlds, by Jake Jackson.

creepy stories, These Fantastic Worlds, sf and fantasy podcast, jakejackson451, Collector, tragic beauty, The Code, Tear, Infinity Trap, Dimensions, Lapis Lazuli, I Am What I Am, The Strong, Rescue

Micro-fiction 027 – Undertow

The dark waters of the storm-racked lake toss the small craft and its terrified occupants. So much for a weekend break! Another tale of dark fantasy from Jake Jackson’s These Fantastic Worlds.