Arthur Machen, Pans Labyrinth, Guillermo del Toro

Arthur Machen: Master of Supernatural Horror

Author ‘decadent horror’, Machen explored themes of paganism and mysticism, imagining dark secrets and ancient fears behind the closed doors of everyday society.

William Hope Hodgson, House on the Borland, superntural

William Hope Hodgson: Master of Weird Fiction

A phenomenal writer of the earliest weird fiction, Hope Hodgson specialized in heart-stopping moments of terror, built on pages of tense, supernatural menace. The majority of his work focused on the lurking horrors of the ocean.

Norse myths and legends, Odin, Thor

Myths and Legends: Origins and Traditions

Stretching back to the oral traditions of thousands of years ago, tales of heroes and disaster, creation and conquest, mythic themes inform our entire culture: fiction, movies, comic books etc.

Italian Futurism, These Fantastic Worlds

Only Connect: Fantastic Futurism

“Why should we look back, when what we want is to break down the mysterious doors of the Impossible? Time and Space died yesterday.” So announced Filippo Tommaso Marinetti’s in his 1909 ‘Fondazione e Manifest del Futurismo’ (The Founding and Manifesto of Futurism). Along with all other forces of Modernism the Futurists were both agents and reflections of the change in Western …