creepy stories, These Fantastic Worlds, sf and fantasy podcast, jakejackson451, Collector, tragic beauty, The Code, Tear, Infinity Trap, Dimensions, Lapis Lazuli, I Am What I Am, The Strong, Rescue

Micro-fiction 036 – The Daily Mask (Post-Apocalypse series)

In this Utopian city just six masks were left for his daily choice – sad, content, amused, neutral, angry, happy, but something has gone awry, and they’re not quite sure what it is… The Daily Mask Asrar woke to familiar morning music. It was chosen from an extensive playlist created  to reflect the varying moods of the day. He liked …

creepy stories, These Fantastic Worlds, sf and fantasy, podcast, jakejackson451

Micro-fiction 031 – The Three Laws (Robot series)

Robots were designed to help humanity. But what happens if Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics become irrelevant? By 2030 most governments passed legislation allowing the use of robots in laboratory experiments. Their precision and lack of emotion was recognised as the primary benefit. And they required no sleep, so productivity rose exponentially. By 2035 robots had acquired so much bio-chemical …

creepy stories, These Fantastic Worlds, sf and fantasy podcast, jakejackson451, The Big Man, Daily Mask, Breakout, Lost Voice, Righteous, Cosmic Hall, Crossroads Hotel, Age, Corn Field, Complicit, The Good Doctor, Lifer, democracy, Bain, Polyhedron, First People, Angelo, darkness, manifesto, microphage, Beloved, Shepherd, Cherry Blossom, different, Guardian Angel, Sacred Words, genetic memory, twin tracks

Micro-fiction 029 – Far Flung

The lights have gone dark in a downtown block in New Manhatten. Special Unit Bain is sent to sort it out before the Bots arrive and go public. Another podcast and sf tale from Jake Jackson’s These Fantastic Worlds

Short Story, podcast, Deadly Survey,, These Fantastic Worlds, Jake Jackson, writing prompt

Micro-fiction 023 – Deadly Survey (Echoes series)

The return to an abandoned planet reveals unsettling changes in the androids left to care for the environment, some 21 centuries before. Another new tale from Jake Jackson’s These Fantastic Worlds.