Fibonacci 0

So, it’s been a long year of endless nights and hard work, daughters and sons and families, and obligations, and life, life, life, but somehow the sun rises every day, passes and the night brings peace. And writing. And painting. And music. And the stars. And the fight against sleep! Still, over the holiday, between shopping and family visits,  I …

Echoes & Origins – Painting & Writing

I’ve started painting again. Ten years ago I put my easel under the bed, for good reasons at the time (children, space, lack of inspiration, life, blah). But now it’s out and dominating my energies late at night in that gap between feeling tired and actually forcing myself up to bed. Although I write in the mornings at the weekend, …

Writer’s Journal: The Quality vs Time Equation.

Writing brings joy and pain. Any creative effort is a conflict between these two elements. Sometimes you can work all night but end up with ashes in your hands. Lawyers bill their time but a writer / artist / musician can spend hours getting absolutely nowhere.  Obviously there are strategies to narrow in on this, routines that can be developed, but …