Only Connect: The Naming of Things: Part Two

Art and Artists The first post of this two-parter looked at the naming of things in music, fiction and poetry. This one tackles the painted arts, and the philosophy of naming. Representational art is very popular. It appeals to our sense of the familiar and even when it tackles the big life issues, it offers one redeeming quality: a sense …

Only Connect: The Naming of Things: Part One

I’ve been painting most nights: acrylics, layer upon layer, broadly expressionist, abstract, intimate. But one thing troubles me: what do I call the paintings? You’d think it would be simple, but the ‘naming of things’ is not to be undertaken lightly. With its immediacy a painting seems to be different to a book, or a piece of music, and not …

Fibonacci 0

So, it’s been a long year of endless nights and hard work, daughters and sons and families, and obligations, and life, life, life, but somehow the sun rises every day, passes and the night brings peace. And writing. And painting. And music. And the stars. And the fight against sleep! Still, over the holiday, between shopping and family visits,  I …