Advice for Writers

Echoes in Time graphicI love creating worlds, fantastic or otherwise. But it can be a lonely and frustrating business. That’s where Twitter comes in, Facebook and Google+ too of course. Since I started taking social media seriously I’ve been surprised by the incredible supportive community of writers, all aching to succeed but willing to share their experiences. In the last three years I’ve switched slowly from non-fiction music writing, to fiction (which I used to focus when I didn’t really understand structure and character development). Now there’s so much advice out there it’s difficult to know who to recommend first, but the joy of a blog is that you can revisit and add, amplify and develop, so this is just a first go.

This new blog celebrates the Fantastic in all of its forms, from art to music, movies to posters and, of course writing. Advice for writers is an essential part of this world so I’ve added some standard links to the following helpful blogs:

Kurt Vonnegut’s Advice for Short Story writers. I’ve seen this in a few places but Jon Winokur’s site has plenty of other useful posts too, so do take a look.

Jamee Rae’s blog also has a range of great posts, including this one on the business of writing.

The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writer’s of America often has some good advice too from writers at the hard end of success.

Finally, a plug for a sister site with some good marketing advice for self-publishers.

That’s it for now, that wasn’t so hard: first post done!

The image is ‘From deep space into the bowels of the earth’ a digital image created by Jake Jackson.